Workplace Flu Shot

Boost Productivity and Health with Our Workplace Flu Vaccination Program

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What is the Flu

The flu is a highly contagious viral respiratory illness affecting the nose, throat, and lungs. While generally manageable, the flu results in about 3,500 deaths and over 12,000 hospital admissions in Canada each year. There are no effective treatments for the flu, making vaccination the most reliable form of protection.

Why Vaccinate Against the Flu?

Annually, the flu significantly impacts Canada’s workforce, leading to millions of lost workdays and billions in productivity costs. The most effective defense for your employees and your business against seasonal influenza is vaccination.

Prosper Pharmacy 24 Workplace Flu Program

Each year, our pharmacy flu shots to over 10,000 employees throughout BC, ensuring our program is not only safe but also convenient and effective.

Frequently Asked Questions

Initiate Contact: Reach out to us at (604) 543 6677 or email to get started.

Schedule Your Appointment: Let us know your preferred dates and location for the flu shot.

Setup and Vaccination: We will organize for a nurse to set up a clinic at your workplace, provide flu shots to your staff, and handle all necessary documentation.

Completion: That’s it! Simple and efficient.

Note: A minimum of 10 employees is required to qualify for the workplace flu program.

The effectiveness varies annually based on the circulating flu strains.

Despite yearly changes, vaccination consistently provides significant benefits.

For groups of 10 or more, we provide testing services by sending a registered nurse to your location. This service is available at all our pharmacies across the province.

Annually, influenza affects approximately 1 billion people worldwide, with 3-5 million cases being severe and up to 500,000 fatalities.
Vaccination prevents millions of flu cases in Canada each year, saving billions in healthcare costs.

We can also provide other essential occupational vaccines, such as tetanus, for employees needing updated immunizations.