Travel Vaccines & Medicine

Shield yourself from global health risks with tailored vaccines and medications. Stay safe on every journey, whether exploring cities, beaches, or remote regions.

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What Is Travel Medicine?

Travel medicine equips you with the necessary protection for your global adventures. Vaccinations and medications boost your confidence to eat, drink, work, and play safely, wherever you are. While they can’t make you invincible, they guard against severe illnesses, ensuring a smoother journey.

What Is the Advantage of Prosper Pharmacy24?

At Prosper Pharmacy 24, your consultation, vaccinations, and prescriptions are all provided in one visit. Our
convenient, one-stop approach saves you time, effort, and money while delivering professional care, removing the
need to visit multiple providers
or see your family doctor.

Types of Vaccinations

Ensure comprehensive health protection for every journey with these essential vaccinations, from mandatory to recommended and routine boosters.


Required Vaccinations

These are essential vaccines for entry into specific countries. They include Yellow Fever, Meningitis ACYW (Menactra), and Polio. Without these, travelers may face entry restrictions or health risks. These vaccines ensure compliance with entry requirements, facilitating smooth international travel.


Routine Vaccinations

These are vaccinations often received in childhood but may require boosters. MSP typically covers them, including Polio, Mumps Measles and Rubella (MMR), Tetanus Diphtheria Pertussis/Whooping Cough (TdaP), Tetanus Diphtheria (Td), Influenza, and Pneumonia. They offer continued protection.


Travel Related Prescriptions

For certain diseases and conditions, oral medications are necessary instead of shots. Our qualified doctors provide prescription medications to combat these ailments, including Altitude Sickness, Malaria, and Travelers’ Diarrhea. These treatments offer protection against prevalent health risks, ensuring safe travels.

Group travel

For school groups, sports teams, business delegations, or multi-person missions, we offer personalized health services at your location. For groups of 10 or more traveling together, a member of our medical team will provide:

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Is a Flu Shot Necessary for Travel?

Yes! Safeguard your health when traveling to regions where flu vaccines aren’t routine. Flu seasons vary worldwide, and long-haul travel can increase your risk of infection. Get Vaccinated for Safe Travels