Travel Safely and Explore the World with Confidence

Discover what vaccinations and medications you need for each destination with our country-specific travel health guides. Whether you’re trekking through the Amazon or exploring the streets of Paris, ensure you’re protected with all necessary health precautions before you go.

Global Travel, Local Care

Wherever your travels take you, Prosper Pharmacy 24 is here to ensure you embark with the right vaccinations and health advice. From Africa to Australia, we provide the essential medical preparations and advice you need to explore any destination safely and worry-free.


Experience the untamed beauty of Africa. From the majestic wildlife of the Serengeti to the serene landscapes of the Sahara, get ready for an adventure of a lifetime.

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Discover Asia’s rich tapestry of history, culture, and bustling cities. From the tranquil temples of Japan to the vibrant streets of Bangkok, Asia calls to the soul of every traveler.

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Explore the diverse ecosystems and iconic landmarks of Australia. Whether it’s the Great Barrier Reef or the urban sophistication of Sydney, Australia offers endless adventures.

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Mexico & Caribbean

Bask in the sun-drenched beaches of the Caribbean or explore the ancient ruins of Mexico. Each destination promises crystal clear waters and warm, inviting cultures.

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Central America

Dive into the heart of Central America. With its lush rainforests and rich history, this region offers an unparalleled experience for those seeking mystery and adventure.

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South America

Journey through South America’s dramatic landscapes, from Patagonia’s icy fjords to the Amazon’s lush jungles. A continent of pulsing energy and ancient civilizations.

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Wander through Europe’s cobblestone streets and grand plazas. From the historic landmarks of Rome to the scenic beauty of the Greek Isles, Europe is a timeless spectacle.

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Experience the untamed beauty of Africa. From the majestic wildlife of the Serengeti to the serene landscapes of the Sahara, get ready for an adventure of a lifetime.

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Discover Asia’s rich tapestry of history, culture, and bustling cities. From the tranquil temples of Japan to the vibrant streets of Bangkok, Asia calls to the soul of every traveler.

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Explore the diverse ecosystems and iconic landmarks of Australia. Whether it’s the Great Barrier Reef or the urban sophistication of Sydney, Australia offers endless adventures.

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Mexico & Caribbean

Bask in the sun-drenched beaches of the Caribbean or explore the ancient ruins of Mexico. Each destination promises crystal clear waters and warm, inviting cultures.

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Central America

Dive into the heart of Central America. With its lush rainforests and rich history, this region offers an unparalleled experience for those seeking mystery and adventure.

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South America

Journey through South America’s dramatic landscapes, from Patagonia’s icy fjords to the Amazon’s lush jungles. A continent of pulsing energy and ancient civilizations.

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Wander through Europe’s cobblestone streets and grand plazas. From the historic landmarks of Rome to the scenic beauty of the Greek Isles, Europe is a timeless spectacle.

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Vaccinations that you may require for every locations

Wherever your travels take you, Prosper Pharmacy 24 is here to ensure you embark with the right vaccinations and health advice. From Africa to Australia, we provide the essential medical preparations and advice you need to explore any destination safely and worry-free.

Yellow Fever is a serious viral disease transmitted by mosquito bites, prevalent in South America and Africa. It can severely affect multiple organs such as the heart, lungs, and bowel, leading to uncontrolled bleeding in approximately 15% of those infected. At this critical stage, the mortality rate can reach between 20-50%. Currently, there is no treatment for Yellow Fever, making vaccination the only effective prevention method. Additionally, proof of vaccination is mandatory for entry into certain countries.

Hepatitis A is a liver-affecting virus transmitted through contaminated food and drinks handled by infected individuals. The severity of Hepatitis A can range from a mild flu-like illness to severe cases requiring hospitalization, though it is rarely fatal. As there is no specific treatment for Hepatitis A, vaccination remains the safest and most effective method for prevention.

Hepatitis B is a liver-infecting virus that can be contracted through exposure to unsterilized needles, sexual contact, unscreened blood transfusions, and improperly sterilized spa and tattoo equipment. The initial illness can be severe and potentially fatal. Some individuals may carry the virus for life, leading to serious long-term effects such as cirrhosis or liver failure. Treatment for Hepatitis B involves a lengthy course of drugs that may not always be effective and can cause significant side effects. However, vaccination provides a safe and effective way to prevent the disease.

Typhoid is an infectious disease caused by the Salmonella bacteria. It is typically contracted from consuming contaminated food. The disease manifests as fever, abdominal pain, and intestinal bleeding, which can lead to bowel perforation, as well as neurological symptoms and joint pains. Without proper treatment, typhoid can be fatal, particularly in vulnerable individuals. Treatment involves antibiotics, which may be needed for several weeks, though there is growing concern over antibiotic resistance. To minimize risk, avoid undercooked foods. Vaccination, while varying in effectiveness, can prevent up to 65% of cases.

Rabies is a deadly virus belonging to the Lyssavirus family. It is primarily transmitted to humans through bites from infected dogs, accounting for 90% of cases. The virus initially causes symptoms like fever, headache, and vomiting, and eventually affects the nervous system and brain, leading to involuntary muscle movements and hydrophobia (fear of water). Symptoms can appear days to months after exposure, sometimes even years, but once they manifest, the infection is invariably fatal. While post-exposure treatment is available and effective, it can be difficult to access in remote or developing areas. Vaccination against rabies is available and highly recommended as it simplifies and enhances the effectiveness of post-bite treatment.

Meningitis ACYW, commonly protected against with the Menactra vaccine, is caused by bacteria that infect the brain and spinal cord. It spreads through close contact with carriers of the disease. This infection is extremely serious, proving fatal nearly 100% of the time if left untreated. While antibiotics can be administered, they often fail due to the rapid progression of the disease, which can overwhelm the body before significant treatment effects are achieved. The most reliable form of prevention is vaccination, which is highly effective against Meningitis ACYW.

Traveler’s diarrhea is commonly triggered by a change in environment and varying sanitation standards, often contracted from local food and water. Symptoms range from mild loose stools to more severe conditions including fever, blood in stools, abdominal cramps, and frequent diarrhea. For treatment, over-the-counter remedies like Pepto-Bismol, Imodium, and oral rehydration solutions are typically effective. Antibiotics are reserved for more severe cases. Additionally, Dukoral, an oral vaccine, offers protection against a specific bacteria responsible for up to 30% of cases.

Japanese Encephalitis, caused by the Ixiaro virus, is a serious infection that targets the brain. It is transmitted through mosquito bites in parts of Southeast Asia. The disease has a high severity rate, with about one-third of those infected dying, another third suffering permanent neurological damage, and the remaining third recovering. As there is no treatment available for Japanese Encephalitis, vaccination with Ixiaro offers a safe and effective means of prevention.